Our Newsletter

HELP for Haiti Newsletter ~ January 23, 2023

Despite the ongoing tribulation in Haiti, Higher Education and Leadership Program for Haiti continues to be committed to the mission and vision of the late Coleman ‘Coley’ Gorham. During the past couple of years it’s been very challenging for the Haitian people, along with the many organizations who are trying to make a difference in the poorest country in the western hemisphere. With the assassination of the President of Haiti and the gangs taking control of parts of the country, it has been a whirlwind of emotions and deep concerns about the future of the Haitian people.

At this current time, our organization has 6 students in Haiti who are being overseen by our dedicated consultant, Makendy Brutus. Makendy manages all the student affairs including collaboration with the colleges/universities, helping the students to obtain supplies, and addressing their travel needs, etc. Four of the six students are studying in the city of Port au Prince, which has been a concern for us. We have been in close communication with Makendy about the safety concerns within that area. There have been many times when the students could not physically attend school so they had to take up their studies online. The other two students are studying in a safer area geographically, although it’s questionable if any place in Haiti is truly safe at this time.

HELP for Haiti has also sponsored three other students through two separate organizations. Two students are attending Faculte de Travail Social et de Justice Sociale/College of Social Work, otherwise known as FTSJS and one student, through the organization Thrive Ansanm, is attending the University of the Renaissance while studying Computer Engineering. Our organization plans to continue to sponsor these three students throughout their college/university experience until graduation.

It’s important to mention that Inflation is also a ‘real thing’ in Haiti and the gourdes are no longer worth as much as they were in the past. The exchange rate has been a very big deal. A year ago it was approximately 100 gourdes for $1 usd. That would mean 60,000 gourdes equals $600 usd. Now the exchange rate is up to $150 gourdes for $1 usd equaling $400 usd. This greatly impacts the college tuition, supplies, food, gas, and all other aspects within the economy of Haiti. When we consider that most Haitians can barely make a living, we know that parents paying for their kids college… is unrealistic.

This gives HELP for Haiti, as an organization who cares about the future of Haiti, a boost of determination, to assure that we do everything we can to help educate the young and hopeful students to be able to change their country someday! I know it’s a tall order, but Coley believed it could happen and we are holding on to his faith in God and humanity in order to press on!

Please keep in mind that there are countless young adults who are waiting for an opportunity to join the other students in their endeavor to further their education and to become leaders in their country!

Jeanne Otis, President

HELP for Haiti Newsletter ~ March 8, 2021

Higher Education and Leadership Program for Haiti (aka: HELP for Haiti) was inspired by the late Coleman and Anna Gorham from Portland, Maine.

I traveled with Coleman ‘Coley’ Gorham to Haiti on a few occasions and learned about his amazing vision for the youth. During one of the last conversations we had about higher education in Haiti, Coley told me that he didn’t believe that he had fully accomplished his mission because he was running out of time at 100 years old. I truly believe that Coley’s ultimate vision was worth the time and energy to pursue so I began to pray for direction.

HELP for Haiti became a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization in January of 2020. Since that time, we have formed a volunteer five-person board of directors and two volunteer advisors. We have taken all the proper steps to create an organization that will continue to keep Coley’s vision alive.

In January of 2020, I, along with another board member, went to Haiti to visit colleges and universities. We met with educators and students and gathered important information to help us to collaborate with their educational system in the future.

We chose two students and we are committed to fully funding their college experience. One student, a female, has been accepted at Quisqueya University, and the other student, a male, has been accepted at the Universite of Notre Dame d’Haiti. These are two of the top Universities in Haiti and these students are very excited to pursue their education.

We also have a consultant in Haiti. His role is to manage the process of student affairs, which includes all aspects of their educational journey, and to communicate with the college personnel of each student in Haiti, along with the board of directors in the USA.

Despite Covid19 we have managed to keep our heads above water, but our desire to have fundraisers has been squelched. We are hoping for some fundraising success this year and we look forward to seeing our organization prosper.

Many young adults in Haiti would love to have an opportunity to go to a college, trade school, or a university. Raising money and/or receiving donations will be the ‘key’ to their success. We hope that you will consider HELP for Haiti in your future philanthropic plans. Your contribution, no matter the amount, will make a positive difference in our success story.

Coley once told me; “It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness!” Please help us to continue to keep lighting candles for Coley’s vision in Haiti!

Jeanne Otis, President