Community College Recipients

Chrismy Orevil

Chrismy Orevil is married and has young children. He completed his high school education years ago, but was never able to go to college because his father passed away during that time. He worked as a driver for the Haitian government in the past, but he lost his job because of the political unrest in Haiti.

Chrismy was one of the key people who assisted some of the directors of HELP for Haiti in the early phase of the mission! He spent countless hours driving some of their volunteers to and from specific destinations in Haiti as they began building the foundation for the organization. HELP for Haiti believes in giving back, therefore, he was encouraged to go to college so that he will be able to build a career in the future. He is currently attending a trade school to learn the fundamentals of plumbing and electrical work, and he is very happy to have this opportunity.

Standley Joassaint

Standley is a passionate young man who is studying education science. He believes that teaching is one of the most important professions, but one that is often overlooked, and this motivated him to pursue this path. He’s so intelligent that he scored number one on the placement exams for the University of the Renaissance in Jeremie, but neither of his parents has consistent employment, and his mom is losing her vision, so his family doesn’t have the resources to send him to college. However, now he is fully supported and he will be able to achieve his dream of graduating from college and one day impacting countless other young lives through his teaching.

DOB: October 25, 2002
Age: 20
Concentration: Education Science
Level: University Year 01

Macdine Labady

My name is Macdine Labady. I was born on November 15, 2001. I live in Fonds-des-Negres but I am from Aquin, a department in the southern part of Haiti. I live with my mother who is a single woman. My father left us 5 years ago and we still do not know where he is. I graduated from high school but once I finished it was hard to believe that I could go to college. I started my first year studying nursing but I had a lot of difficulties because my mother’s income wasn’t enough to help me with the expectations of the college and I had no choice but to stop going to school.

With much joy, the college told me that they would find a way to let me stay in school and take my courses. They introduced me to Makendy, who is the consultant for Higher Education and Leadership Program for Haiti (HELP for Haiti), and to my surprise the school called to let me know that I was accepted by the board of directors of the organization. I was inspired also by the other students who are already being helped by this organization. I am now in my second year of the nursing program at Higher Institute for Paramedical Studies.

Let me tell you, with your work of educating the youth in my country, we will probably have a new Haiti someday.

Toussaint Roodley

My name is Toussaint Roodley. I am a second year social work student at FTSJS. I grew up in a family of seven, which included four brothers and sisters as well as my parents. My parents come from the Department of the Center. I am passionate about reading, I read a lot on sociology, psychology, and economics. I am also a technology enthusiast.

I chose social work after noticing how a social worker in my family, who also studied at FTSJS, was impacting her community. From there, I thought that social work could constitute a means of change for the country. Knowing I always wanted a change for my life, my community, and my country, FTSJS was recommended to me by a social worker involved in community social change.

I wish to contribute to building another face of social work in Haiti and also to advocate for a revaluation of social issues in government plans. I think with this scholarship, I will be able to focus more on how to impact my community. By being more interested in creating a sustainable Haiti and becoming a more involved and active citizen, I can help to make a difference.

Marie Yolanda Desulmé

Marie is the top student in FTSJS’s sophomore class, and was one of six children raised by a single mother. She says that while they didn’t have much money, her mother did everything she could to make sure Marie finished high school, somethingonly accomplished by 20 percent of eligible young people in Haiti. After high school, she wanted to attend college but could not afford it. Then, after she had a child, she thought her dreams of education were finished.

When she met the FTSJS recruiter, Bury Ephesien, he talked with her about the field of
social work. She had previously been interested in ethnology and could see that the
two fields had certain similarities: an interest in people and in culture. Her son, Antoine,
is now eleven. With more time to study and with the FTSJS program online, it is
possible for her to take classes while caring for her child.

A very spiritual person, she says, “I wish God would give me the strength and courage
to achieve my dreams, because I would like to be a great social worker when I finish.
And I would like to go on and get a masters degree. Like I said, my family couldn’t afford to send me to college. But because of the scholarship that you gave me, it’s possible.”

Chantale Petion

Chantale lost both of her parents when she was a young girl living near Port-au-Prince. She then lived with her sister for several years before moving to Jeremie to live with her aunt in 2015. Today, she still lives with her aunt and cousins in Jeremie, and she is doing the best she can to create a better life for herself and her family in spite of the obstacles that she has faced. Determined to get a university education, she’s been teaching 1st grade at a local school in the mornings and taking college classes in the afternoons. She managed to make it through her first two years of college, but she didn’t have the means to continue until she entered the Thrive Ansanm program. Now, she knows that her education is covered, and she can focus her attention on her work and her studies.

Majoring in computer engineering, when she graduates she plans to pursue freelance work as a web designer if she is unable to find a salaried position in Haiti’s economy. As Haiti continues to advance technologically, she hopes there will be increasing demand for such services. A motivated young woman who cares about the future of her country, she says, “If tomorrow Lord willing Haiti should change, we will need professionals and intellectuals. Not just anyone can manage the country. It’s the young people who will step in. But the most important thing is, despite the current situation, we must believe, work hard, and study.”

Age: 23
School: University of the Renaissance
Concentration: Computer Engineering
Class: 3rd year university student

MayKerlens Lovitz Romain   

My name is MayKerlens Lovitz Romain. I was born on October 2, 2002 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. There are ten people in my family.  I was born into a family who believes and is interested in education. My mother spent most of her time helping me with this; from kindergarten through high school. Once I was done with high school, I was able to go to college because I had met Coley at the St. Patrick Community Youth Center in Petite Riviere de Nippes, Haiti when I was 13 years old. I was learning English through Coley’s Rosetta Stone English Program and he had told Ms Otis that he wanted to be sure that I had an opportunity to further my education once I was out of high school. It was promised at that time that I would have the opportunity to do this some day!
I was inspired by Coley and Anna Gorham while I studied English, and I was sorry to hear that they had passed away.

It is clear in Haiti that a lot of the youth do not have a chance to pursue a college education because they need help financially. Let me tell you, this organization will bring a lot of change in Haiti in the future, through the youth.

I am studying Science Administration at the University of Foundation Dr. Aristide at Port-au-Prince and my first bill has already been paid by Higher Education and Leadership Program for Haiti who encouraged me to begin my first year of College. I will honor this program as it helps me to make my dream come true. I am very intelligent, with good adaptation skills. I am also easy to understand and I have good behavior.

As you know Haiti is in a bad position and is experiencing a humanitarian crisis. Please help me to pray for my first year of College, for everything to go well.
Thank you to all the board, who accepted my application and is now helping me to integrate into this great program.

Wardley Canetini Souffrant

I live in Petite Rivière de Nippes, Haiti and I was born on February 16, 2001. We have a family of seven and I am the second to be born in this family. I finished my High School in July of 2019 at the Saint Anthony of Padua School, which I had 1268/1800. That means that my average was 7/10 after the exams. With all the combination of events in Haiti, it’s hard to believe that I can start my college experience now. My parents had a lot of anxiety because they saw me as a great and intelligent lady, but they had deep economic difficulty and could not send me to college. It was through social media that I saw the great work and a lot of enthusiasm that the organization, HELP for Haiti was doing in the field of education. I applied in hopes to join this program so that I could attend to my dream, and I was accepted and started college at the American University of the Caribean(AUC), where I am now studying Agronomy.

I was inspired by the first group of students who started college with this great program and I am motivated because of Mr. and Mrs. Coley Gorham. I was so sorry to hear that they had passed away, and let me say, it is a sad memory!

Dieulene Bolane

My Name is Dieulene Bolane. I was born in Petite Riviere de Nippes, Haiti on January 23, 2000. I attended Lycee Alcibiade Fleury Batier High School.

I live with my dad and mom, who have been married for a long time, along with my four sisters and three brothers. My father is a farmer and my mother is unemployed. I am the youngest in my family.

I finished my high school experience in July of 2019 and got my diploma. All of my sisters and only one of my brothers have finished high school. Since graduation, I have had nothing to do because my parents did not have enough money to help me to attend college; which is my dream. My wish is to study administration science and to get a good job someday!

HELP for Haiti aspired me to go to college so I applied for student funding through their program. Someday I would like to work as an administrator of business development. I believe my family will benefit from my education because I will be able to help others go to college, which will benefit our community.

I also plan to work with the educational system in Haiti to help other students with their education. This program will help me to improve my knowledge and my opportunity to have a better life for me and my family.

I feel honored and blessed that I was accepted by HELP for Haiti to help make my dream come true.

Andrevil Chrisnoel

My name is Andrevil Chrisnoel. I was born in Petite Riviere de Nippes, Haiti on December 24, 1998. I attended high school at the Immaculate Conception.

I would like to be a teacher in my community to help the students receive a better education, but money has always been a primary obstacle for me and my family.

My father passed away a few years ago and since then my mother has taken care of her six children; four sons and two daughters, all by herself. My father had been a garden keeper and also raised chickens. Since his passing, my mother stood on her toes; taking responsibility of everything while caring for her children. She is also a dressmaker and sells clothing. It has not been easy for her.

Although life is hard in Haiti, my mom kept encouraging me to get educated. My family will benefit from my education because my mom and siblings will have a better life. In August, 2017, I got my high school diploma, but I didn’t have a chance to go to college because it would have been too hard for my mother to help me financially. I tried to understand. In Haiti, 70% of women are unemployed and cannot afford to help their children to go to college.

HELP for Haiti inspired me to go to college and after applying for funding through their program, I received a letter saying that I was selected. I felt honored and blessed.

This program will help me to set up my life as a professional. The high point about HELP for Haiti is that it will greatly benefit many people in my community. My hope is to have a good plan so that I will be able to help students with their studies; high school or college.

Marie Darling Dacila

My name is Marie Darling DACILA, I am from Paillant and live in Miragoane / Haiti, and I was born on September 26th 2000.

We’re thirteen in my family, eleven children plus Dad and Mom but I am not living with my parents. I live with my cousin and his family because my parent’s income is very low. I finished my high school in November 2019 at St Marc high school which is located at Paillant department Nippes of Haiti. After I finished my high school, I did not have any choice but to stay home with nothing to do, but God knew why? Maybe because I would be receiving this scholarship!

I know a lot of young people around the world are the same way as me and their dreams become true after years and years.
Now I am so lucky to have a scholarship by this organization, HELP FOR HAITI, so that I can study nursing at the College Institute Superior etude Paramedicale de Pemerle, which I will become a nurse and be able to help others.

I can say thank you so much to the Organization who have inspired me and will continue to help my dream become a reality. The idea to become a nurse came to me when I was a fourteen year old teenager girl.

I consider this scholarship like a special gift from Help for Haiti and I want to let you know that you have an interesting Program and to keep doing it so that you can create more jobs so that people can have a better education in Haiti, especially where I am. 

Thanks for accepting me!      
Marie darling DACILA

Godson Desvarieux

My name is Godson DESVARIEUX and I am from Port-au-Prince. I was born on February 3rd 1996. I now live in Miragoane, Department of Nippes / Haiti.

I attended high school at DENIS DIDEROT in MIRAGOANE which is where I received a recommendation letter for a college opportunity from the high school administration. I have had my high school degree since 2019 and at that time, I had a nice score of 1108/ 1900. Since that time, I have been terrified that I could not attend college because of our impoverished condition.

We have a total of seven people in my family, mom and dad plus three sisters, one brother and I. I am sorry to say that my mother passed away on March 28th 2020. She was unemployed. My father is a security guard. I was fascinated when I heard that I had been accepted by the board from this organization who continue to inspire Haitian youth to attain their dream through Education. I always believed in this phrase: Education is the single most important factor in the development of a nation.

I can tell you that I sincerely wanted my dream to become an Electromechanical Engineer from the time I was in elementary school to now, to come true! HELP FOR HAITI has inspired me I am moving straightforward and I am happy.

Who I am? I am transparent, honest, sympathetic and very positive. My hobbies include football, listening to music and reading. I am very friendly and I really love animals like cats and horses. I eat all kinds of foods but I love seafood.

One of my obstacles in my life was losing my Mother and my best confidante. I am glad to be integrated with other Haitian students who have also inspired to get in college and attend to their dreams. Now I am going to study electromechanical engineer at University GOC in HAITI.