Board of Directors and Advisors

MISSION: Our mission is to support young Haitians to gain access to colleges, universities and trade schools in Haiti primarily through financial assistance in the form of scholarships and private donations. This will be accomplished through fundraising and establishing strategic partnerships with Haitian educational institutions and other charitable organizations with complementary missions operating within Haiti.

Our mission was inspired by Mr. and Mrs. Coleman ‘Coley’ Gorham of Portland, Maine. Their mission to provide educational opportunity for Haitian youth spanned more than 20 years.  Coley completed many projects in Haiti during his retired years, which he began at age 80.  Coley has now passed the torch to our organization, and we are committed to continue pursuing his dream of seeing the youth of Haiti empowered through education, so that they may change the fortunes of the poorest country in the western hemisphere. 

VISION: Our vision is to provide young adults in Haiti an opportunity to pursue higher education that will lead to fulfilling careers and growing prosperity, which in turn will have a positive impact on their communities, and ultimately, their country.

HELP for Haiti Board of Directors and Advisors

Jeanne Otis

Jeanne Otis is a retired RN. She began her mission work in Haiti in 2016, after becoming involved with Coley Gorham’s own mission work. She answered a ‘calling’ in early 2019 to help keep Coley’s vision alive by founding a charitable nonprofit organization to provide access to higher education for young adults in Haiti. She is the President of the organization Higher Education and Leadership Program for Haiti.

"I have always had an interest in Haiti, so when I met Coley and Anna Gorham and heard about his mission work, it just felt right for me to get involved. Coley was such an inspiration to me and I feel so blessed to have met him!"

Paul Boudreau

Paul Boudreau is the Fundraising Chairman for Higher Education and Leadership Program for Haiti.  Paul is a graduate of the University of New Hampshire and earned his Master’s Degree at the University of Maine in Orono.  He was a member of the State Legislature in Maine from 1976-1980.  Paul has worked for Honeywell for 25 years as the Vice President of Corporate and Government Relations.  He also worked for the Morris County Chamber of Commerce in New Jersey as President for the past 10 years.  Paul has helped raise funds for a variety of Nonprofit Organizations around the country and at one time, he also served as the Executive Director of the Honeywell Foundation.

“I am impressed with our Board and their authentic commitment to educating students in Haiti. In the years ahead we will make a real difference in the lives of many young Haitians.”

Elise Rossignol

Elise Rossignol is the Treasurer of Higher Education and Leadership Program for Haiti. She has been a teacher at Temple Academy in Waterville, Maine for over 40 years and also served as Principal of the school for 10 of those years. She has been married to her husband John for 45 years and has three adopted children: her daughter Michelle and two sons, Daniel and David, both born in Haiti.  

“Having adopted two children from Haiti and now teaching foreign students from Haiti, I am reminded daily of the need young Haitians have for higher education. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. This new generation needs outside help to bring hope and change to their future.”

Chip Cain

Charles ‘Chip’ Cain is a retired Social Worker and the Vice President of Higher Education and Leadership Program for Haiti. He earned his Master’s Degree in Educational Counseling. Chip has been doing mission work for several years and has spent a considerable amount of time in Haiti since 2016.

“My trips to Haiti, including two extended stays; living and working with the Haitian people, immersed me in a very different world in less than a day’s travel from my home. Like Jeanne, I have been impressed and inspired by Coley Gorham and by the work he has done for so many in Haiti. Jeanne has stepped out and created a program that can truly make a difference. My time in Haiti has shown me that education for the professions and the trades starts with individuals and then grows; offering real hope for lasting change. I am glad that my educational background and experience in Haiti can be used to support HELP for Haiti!”

Joshua Reny

Joshua Reny is an advisor for Higher Education and Leadership Program for Haiti. He works as a manager in municipal government and has a Master’s Degree in Public Policy and a Bachelor’s Degree in International Studies. He is also a veteran, having served as an officer in the United States Air Force for more than 20 years, including experience in developing nations.

“Access to higher education remains a significant barrier to opportunity in many countries, and particularly in Haiti. It is also one of the most important strategies to enable improved living standards and prosperity. I wanted to get involved because I was inspired by Coley’s work in Haiti and the obvious need that exists in the country. I also believe that we all have a moral responsibility to help others when we have the means to do so.”

Cecile DeRoche-Cain

Cecile DeRoche-Cain has accepted the secretarial position for HELP for Haiti. She graduated from The University of Connecticut and received her Master’s Degree in Music from The University of New Hampshire. She has been employed for over 50 years as a Music Director in numerous churches in southern Maine while teaching piano at Waynflete School in Portland and in her home studio.

She and her husband Chip share three children and a love of service to others. She spent time doing mission work in Bolivia and Kenya.

Susan Inman

Susan Inman received a Bachelor’s Degree from Boston College and a Masters of Public Administration from Sawyer Business School at Suffolk University.  Ms. Inman has worked for the past 13 years in municipal administration in Massachusetts, and previously spent twenty years in the private sector as an Assistant Vice President/Communications Manager at a global insurance brokerage firm in Boston.   She joined this venture in its infancy helping to write the original article which appeared in a Portland, Maine newspaper telling Coley Gorham’s story.  Ms. Inman continues to volunteer her time to assist HELP for Haiti with communicating its message.